BA Rooms
What is in the BA Rooms?
The BA Rooms are situated on the first floor of I Staircase, Great Court, above the College Bar. The Junior Common Room, which graduates are also entitled to use, is just next door. You will need your University card to access both rooms. If your university card doesn't give you access to the BA Rooms or the JCR, you should get in touch with the Accommodation Office.
The BA Rooms are split over two levels. On the lower level is a common room and a recently refurbished kitchen. The kitchen contains a conventional oven, microwave, kettle, and coffee machine. Tea and coffee are available in the cupboard above the stove. Please do not remove anything from the kitchen, and do wash up, wipe down tables and surfaces, and generally clean up after use. Make sure the kitchen is left in a better state than you found it. Upstairs from the common room is a television room.
BA Rooms Usage Policy
Usage of the BA rooms must be in accordance with rules laid out in the White Book.
Access to the BA Rooms
The BA Rooms may be accessed by all Ordinary and Associate Members of the Society. Access to the BA Rooms is granted by university card only. The door to the rooms is not to be propped open at any time.
Booking the BA Rooms
The BA Room and the BA Television Room may be booked by Ordinary and Associate members of the society using the online booking system accessible via the Society website (see here).
The booking system cannot prevent anyone from entering the rooms, but everyone is asked to be considerate: please leave the rooms to anyone with a booking, and please book if you are intending to gather more than a few people there.
Bookings are only to be made for private social functions held by Ordinary and Associate Members and for official BA Society events.
Societies are not permitted to book or use the rooms for meetings or functions without explicit permission from the Committee where it is felt that such meetings would be relevant and beneficial to Members of the BA Society.
All bookings must be made by an individual member and must contain the following information:
- Name of the member making the booking
- Email address of the member making the booking
- Any booking not containing all of the above information will be considered invalid and will be removed by the Committee.
If you want to use the rooms, there's a few rules we'd appreciate you following, for the benefit of all other BA's.
- All glasses, plates, cutlery and cookware to be cleaned after use. Either dry your items or put items on the draining rack away before adding to them.
- No glasses to be brought up from the bar.
- Return any furniture back to where you found it.
- Clean up any spills, liquid or crumbs.
- Do not leave behind unwanted food or drink. This goes in the bin, take it away with you or label and put in the fridge.
- Items in the fridge/freezer must be labelled with your name, crsid and date. Do not abandon items there if you don’t intend to use them.
- Clean out the sink and plughole of any food debris
- Leave the window open if you create any funny smells.
- Do not consume any of the BA Society owned food or drink (unless you are at an event!)
- If you find the room in a bad state is your responsibility to report this to We will be using this system to identify the culprits and you risk being held responsible if you do not do this.
Responsibility and disciplinary action
The Member who made the booking will be held responsible for ensuring the rooms are tidy and that the rules set out here are observed. Any damage should be reported to the BA Committee as soon as possible.
The BA Committee reserves the right to disable Members’ access to the rooms should they fail to observe the above rules. Members shall receive one official warning before such action is taken unless it is decided by the Committee that immediate action is required to prevent further misuse of the rooms.
If any serious damage, vandalism or theft is observed the Committee will report this to the college authorities who may then take further action.